The following albums are also available on CD. To order, mail to music@channelsai1.net.
Price: €15 exclusive delivery fee.
Cosmic Soldier
Dance of Nada Brahma
Rise of the Phoenix
Joyful Unity
Cosmic Waves
White Field
Came Home From Far Away
It 's a Story
Available now at Natuurhuis and De Korrel in Antwerp (Belgium).
Easy Listening To The Stories
Nothing Is Perfect But Your Soul
Dive into the Flow of unconditional Love
What did people Experience with our Music?
“When I heard this music I instantly felt home” – V.N.
“It’s a nice piece of music. It makes you happy” – I.J.
“This music has reached the deepest place of my heart! I listen to your music nearly every evening because it is so beautiful and because it makes me peaceful in my mind" - P.V.
“Blissful music!” – Nurse
“It brings peace while driving and relieves the stress of queueing and traffic jams” – A.H.
Divine Music for Driving, Flying and Relaxing
Legend: The Story behind the Name:
Red Star Bootes
There is only one language, the language of the heart. Through the years J.P. Rama composed several heart touching songs. Even at a very young age he showed lots of interest in the wellbeing of every living being. His engagement in helping others made him the first one to volunteer in 1960. He left for Africa to defend his fellowmen in this humanitarian mission and for which he was honored with a medal. In time he travelled from Belgium to India devoted to Sai Baba where until this date he works in a school as a voluntary music teacher guiding young minds.
Just imagine a wonderful healer who has the power to eliminate gradually everything that congests your cells, that impedes the proper functioning of your organs, that slows down the blood circulation in your arteries. Imagine that freedom, that lightness...
Imagine he has the power to soothe your nerves, to relax your muscles, to strengthen your vertebrae and to massage deeply your back and your shoulders extremely gently, confidently and benevolently.
Love is the Key
Man is so designed that he can derive anandha and maintain it only through association with his kind. To divest oneself of all contacts with others, and tread a lonely path is a sign of weakness, of fear — not of courage.
Lively association alone produces morality, justice, compassion, sympathy, love, tolerance, equanimity and many other qualities that toughen and train character, and mould the personality of man.
Culture is the consequence of the co-mingling of hearts and heads.
A group of individuals, who are charged with hatred or contempt of each other, cannot produce any beneficial effect on any of its components.
A common outlook, or rather, a common inlook, is the essential factor, Sama-chintha — the sameness of beliefs, opinions and attitudes — is the prime factor. This Sama-chintha must result in a flood of anandha (divine bliss) that envelops and enthuses the entire group. If the individual knows he is Divine and that all else are equally so, that consciousness is the best bond for Society, that anandha is the best atmosphere to sustain the Society. How can a person who knows that all are Divine keep away from the God he recognises? “I am He, He is I, both I and He are kith and kin in Him”. This awareness is so thrilling, so satisfying, so uplifting, that such Society is the noblest Sathsang (holy company) man can ever come into.
Facts, News & Updates

What does Om mean?
What does Om (or Aum) mean In Hinduism, Om (also spelled Aum) is a Hindu sacred sound that is considered the greatest of all mantras. The syllable Om is composed of the three sounds a-u-m (in Sanskrit, the vowels a and u combine to become o) and the symbol’s threefold nature is central to its [read more…]